Falling in the idea of love 或许是消磨时光最好的方式。走遍世界去寻找幻象,找到之后呢?再去构想下一个虚设的结局。颜色太美,加上小说式的旁白,像是梦中流浪 Trevor不该被找到,而Claire应该永远在混乱的叙事里. 4个多小时的漫游,看到一半,才发觉时间之久, 我们就这样在循环的追逐间漫游,在被游历磨损的时光里化为流动的彩色沙砾
Someone is talking to me, Calling my name ,Tell me I'm not to blame ,I won't be ashamed of love.
the very act of gleaning as an fundamental act of human being,especially considering the act of "gleaning" images with digital media. All of these things being gleaned could be trash. film? interface?
看到有人说不理解女主是怎么爱上男主的 女主当然是十五岁就爱上男主的啊!救了自己的帅气三十岁大叔告诉自己 你二十岁的时候要和二十岁的我谈恋爱 哇 fall in love